Differences between Null Object and Pre-compose in Adobe After Effects

Adobe After Effects is a key software to make motion graphics and compositing. It allows users to form any type of title animations and compose the 2D scenes into stunning motion graphics. Because of the huge demand for creative motion graphics work, it is important to learn After Effects from experts in detail. Each and every option adds to overall skills in After Effects thus it is important for learners to pay attention to their classes. From layers to tools to all the available options, understanding the functions, differences and implementation is important. Thus, we have brought this blog to you which discusses the different usage of the null object and Pre-compose and their differences.

Let’s start with Null object.

Null Object

We have many layers as clips on track that form the composting in the final view. Each and every clip has its own key frames showing the element on the clip in a different look. Sometime we require to animate the multiple layers together which is quite difficult to do separately. Here comes the null object. Null object helps in giving a parent to the selected layers. All the child layers will be following the key frames of the parent layers.

How to make Null object?

It is easy to make null object in After Effects. Right click on the layers area and select create new null object. Null layer will come up on top of all layers. Then select the layers you want to link to null. Now select null layer as parent in the top parent option and you’re done. Start adding the key frames you want to add to parent null to animate the groups of layers.

Coming on Pre-compose now.


Pre-compose is a mini composition which allows to work with many layers without disturbing the original composition. It is like smart object of Adobe Photoshop.

How to make Pre-compose?

Select the layers you want to group and right click > select Create Pre-compose (CTRL + Shift+C).

Key Differences

Null object is like clipping mask of Adobe Photoshop where clipped child layers follow the appearance of parent layers. Similarly in After Effects, child layers follow the key-frames of the null objects. On the hand, Pre-compose is a combines group of layers or you can say like a smart object. For multiple layers, it is recommended to use pre-compose and when we have less no of layers or camera or light layers to work with then using Null object is recommended.

Closing Remarks

Those who are aware with the functions of null or pre-compose in detail or are very beginner in After Effects then learning After Effects is highly recommended. Join Post Production online video editing courses or classroom video editing training from practical sessions by experts.

You can even join the complete sessions under After Effects classes in Rohini at PPI.